It was indeed friday the 13th i woke up after my 5 hrs of sleep, all i wanted and prayed for was that these 6 hrs vanish away quickly. Amongst those loose sheets( notes tht i had borrowed a day before ), i was feeling soo ruffled. Interrogating just one thing from myself over and over again " when will this phase end and I'll be back home to take some repose!!! Thoughts of fun , amusement and pleasure crossed my mind....and coming out of my dreams I made sure that my eyes are glued back to those black n white sheets.
With a feeble mind, I crossed the gate of a building which would soon become a PAST, a HISTORY!!! Just a thought of it filled me with soo much strength that come what may, i will battle it out....and it was just a matter of an EXAM , just a matter of 3 hrs ( for me just 2 I had no doubts over my credibility). I quickly went to the room to face the BATTLE of which I was sure tht even if i dont win...I ll chase my opponent till the final round ( In my case...till the last question). With all the optimism in my eyes , i went through the question paper.........and soon I witnessed a transition. As the DEVILS were busy wearing PRADA....they left no stone unturned to make us F.R.A.D.A ( filled wid Rust, Anguish, Devastation and Anger). I left everything to GOD now...and started dealing with my enemies for as long as I could. 2.5 hrs passed (I was 30 mins late ) and by now I was bleeding from every part ..... but I soon recovered and marched out of the battle ground. Survivors from my group could be seen sweating, blabbering about the strong enemies. By then I had lost all strength to participate and found myself lying at one corner of the stairs.
Some more victims came out.......and soon we turned out to be a united group , all crying for the same wound!!
Now I thought of moving we moved out ....SHIT.....amidst those creepy warriors and unsailed boats we forgot the most important thing " THIS WAS OUR LAST BATTLE ON THIS BATTLE GROUND, WID THIS TROOP" , this was our "LAST DAY IN COLLEGE". 1095 days had passed....I wont say tht I didnt realise as to how the time faded but it would happen soo early made me all gloomy. This is going to be the last time when I ll be waving off to a few faces, seeing them smile, watch them talk. This is going to be the last time when I ll be cursing those security guards for not letting me step out. My heart started to bleed again.....this time the wounds were severly acute and reflected in my eyes. All I could think off was that I wont be sitting in those vacant classrooms with those vibrant souls......discussing about those censored topics. I wish I had chosen to do engineering, as then I could have had another 365 days of insane fun. ;'(
Though we have promised to stay in touch all through our lives (literally all through our lives) but I fear that what if someone breaks the promise , as promises are meant to broken !!!!!!!!
This is what FRIDAY THE 13th had in cards for US!!
But all I can say to all my friends is........
The world we knew was full of high - fives,
Needless to say, those were the best days of our lives
I will miss you all A LOT.......and I will always cherish the times we fought and loved each other even more.
As we go on
we remember
all the times we
had together
and as our lives change
come whatever
we will still be

With a feeble mind, I crossed the gate of a building which would soon become a PAST, a HISTORY!!! Just a thought of it filled me with soo much strength that come what may, i will battle it out....and it was just a matter of an EXAM , just a matter of 3 hrs ( for me just 2 I had no doubts over my credibility). I quickly went to the room to face the BATTLE of which I was sure tht even if i dont win...I ll chase my opponent till the final round ( In my case...till the last question). With all the optimism in my eyes , i went through the question paper.........and soon I witnessed a transition. As the DEVILS were busy wearing PRADA....they left no stone unturned to make us F.R.A.D.A ( filled wid Rust, Anguish, Devastation and Anger). I left everything to GOD now...and started dealing with my enemies for as long as I could. 2.5 hrs passed (I was 30 mins late ) and by now I was bleeding from every part ..... but I soon recovered and marched out of the battle ground. Survivors from my group could be seen sweating, blabbering about the strong enemies. By then I had lost all strength to participate and found myself lying at one corner of the stairs.
Some more victims came out.......and soon we turned out to be a united group , all crying for the same wound!!
Now I thought of moving we moved out ....SHIT.....amidst those creepy warriors and unsailed boats we forgot the most important thing " THIS WAS OUR LAST BATTLE ON THIS BATTLE GROUND, WID THIS TROOP" , this was our "LAST DAY IN COLLEGE". 1095 days had passed....I wont say tht I didnt realise as to how the time faded but it would happen soo early made me all gloomy. This is going to be the last time when I ll be waving off to a few faces, seeing them smile, watch them talk. This is going to be the last time when I ll be cursing those security guards for not letting me step out. My heart started to bleed again.....this time the wounds were severly acute and reflected in my eyes. All I could think off was that I wont be sitting in those vacant classrooms with those vibrant souls......discussing about those censored topics. I wish I had chosen to do engineering, as then I could have had another 365 days of insane fun. ;'(
Though we have promised to stay in touch all through our lives (literally all through our lives) but I fear that what if someone breaks the promise , as promises are meant to broken !!!!!!!!
This is what FRIDAY THE 13th had in cards for US!!
But all I can say to all my friends is........
The world we knew was full of high - fives,
Needless to say, those were the best days of our lives
I will miss you all A LOT.......and I will always cherish the times we fought and loved each other even more.
As we go on
we remember
all the times we
had together
and as our lives change
come whatever
we will still be