Friday, May 27, 2016

I don't know what to name it !!

I am strongly of this view that each experience makes you a better person and a better writer ;) Thank you everyone who helped (knowingly or unknowingly) in my making.... by the way, the evolution will continue forever. .. So enjoy all the lows and get up each time life throws u down....just one more time...each time :)

Today, life seem to be beautiful
Tomorrow, a few events make u think of it as sinful
Today, all my wishes are granted
Tomorrow, i see as if only pains and issues are planted
With each passing day, i keep falling down
This beautiful smile turning into an ugly frown
A day comes when i cannot get up nomore (two negatives doesn't make a positive in English and this is correct :D)
Silent soldier whispers...please get up once more
All you need to do is raise your hand
Life will bend to pull you up and mend all the broken ends
Each time you get up, get up with a bigger smile
Pushing back the pains and sorrows and showing them their last mile
Enjoy shots of tequila with all those lemons
Relish the sweet mocktail when life suprises you with melons
Enjoy this era. Enjoy this age.
Life, my friend, is a circus in which you're not in a cage
Keep the keepers
Smile and say a bye to the life shakers